Hiring a Taxi Service for Your School: Three Things to Know

Posted on: 7 September 2017

For some school districts, hiring a bus service isn't the right option. The schools may have too few students in need of a bus, or the school grounds may not have enough room to accommodate bus parking. In these cases, however, there will still be students who need transportation to and from class. A taxi service can provide that transportation. If your school is considering a taxi service, here are a few things to keep in mind as you look for the right company.

Safe Seating

Depending on the age of the children needing transportation and the laws in your state, your students may need to have booster or car seats available. Some taxi services can provide these at no extra charge, while others will require you to provide them. Requiring parents and school administrators to set up and remove car seats for each child can be a time-consuming process, so look for a cab company that can offer the right type of safety equipment for your students. All taxis should also have working seat belts and other integrated safety features to ensure each child is secure while on the way to and from school each day.

Driver Safety

You'll want to be sure that the people driving the students are licensed to do so. Look for a taxi cab company with drivers who hold school bus drivers licenses, and ensure that all drivers have current licenses. You should also ask whether or not the company runs background checks on all of its employees, as this can provide parents with added peace of mind when they see their children off to school each day. The taxi service should be able to provide proof of licensing you can inspect before signing a contract with the company.

Reliable Timing

It's important for your students to get to class on time every day, so you need a taxi company that will give its scheduling preference to your students. Let the cab company you plan to work with know how many students will need daily transportation, and ask whether or not the company can guarantee all students will get to school before the first bell rings. In some cases, this may require students to get to school earlier than others, so you might need to work with your school staff to have someone on the property to let everyone in as they arrive.

Discuss the taxi service options with parents and families who will be impacted by your decision, and let them have a say in how the service will work. With input from families and administrators, and with the help of a reputable taxi service, you can ensure your students have a safe and reliable way to get to school every day. For more information, contact a business such as Mr Kab Taxi LLC.
